Thursday, April 12, 2007

Back in the days of being 1337 in Counter-Strike, I joined a mod team, they wanted to do a mod called Chaos-Ops. I was one of the modelers.

Here are a few renderings of my models.
I draw since I'm pretty young, here is a little something something:

I can draw almost anything. So if you need a hand in life, I'll draw one for you!
A Grocery Store Management System. Using C#, for someone in South America. It can do, everything and anything related to a grocery store. Even the Point of Sale for the cashiers.
For Comp446, Programming Methodologies with C++ (something like that), we had to do a program. So me and my team mate, did a Space Shooter Engine. With plans of making it into a MMORPG in the future.

These few screenshots partially show the capabilities of that engine.
The scene has been put together through a scripting system that the engine understands.

It was nothing hard to do, but useful at the end.
All that would be left to do, is create a level editor that can write script language. Then users can create levels (or entire games) simply point and click.
This is my old car, it is a Pontiac 6000 LE. It has long since gone through all the recycling proceedures.. I am so worried, I hope it has a better home now. Part Screw Driver, part Coke Can, part my New Pontiac.